Ayaz deliberates on way forward for flood rehabilitation activities


ISLAMABAD:Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq on Thursday discussed the way forward for rehabilitation and reconstruction in the 6th meeting of “Steering Committee for Coordination for International Assistance for Flood Relief Activities.”

The members of the steering committee shared their views, said a press release issued here.

Ayaz Sadiq chaired the meeting in the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The purpose of the meeting was to brief and sensitize the development partners about the ongoing flood rescue and relief efforts, food situation in the flood affected areas and the preparation for the Donors Conference for mobilization of financial resources for climate resilient recovery and reconstruction.

Chris Kaye, Country Director of World Food Program (WFP) briefed the Steering Committee on the food situation and emphasized the development partners for humanitarian assistance.

The Secretary Economic Affairs thanked the development partners and concluded the meeting.