Nation unites in condemnation of May 9 attacks on military installations, martyrs’ memorials: Dr Qibla


ISLAMABAD: Council of Islamic Ideology(CII) Chairman Dr Qibla Ayaz, on Thursday expressed satisfaction at the resolute opposition and condemnation from the entire nation of the May 9 rioting and arsons with attacks on military installations, martyrs’ memorials, and national buildings.

Besides political parties, religious organizations had also joined forces in denouncing the heinous acts as inappropriate and contrary to the values of the nation, he said in a statement.

Dr Qibla Ayaz expressed his deep sorrow and regret over the events that unfolded on May 9, describing them as a dark chapter in the country’s history.

The attacks, he said, gained international attention, unfortunately were applauded by the Indian media. The incidents were universally condemned, which reflected a consensus among the people that such actions were unacceptable, he added.

Dr Qibla expressed his unwavering support for the armed forces, which, he said, were the pride of the nation and their installations served as the guarantors of national defence.

He emphasized the importance of honouring the memorials of the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the motherland, noting that it was a sacred duty shared by all citizens.

The CII chairman called for a swift action from law enforcement agencies to bring those responsible for the attacks on military installations, national buildings, and public property to justice.

He expressed the hope that the accused would be apprehended with the full force of the law.

Dr Qibla said the Council of Islamic Ideology had proposed a consensus policy during its 228th meeting held on May 18 and 19 that a national accord on politics was the need of the present time to stabilize the country’s economic situation and elevate its standing in the international community.

He said the unified stance taken by the nation against the acts of violence served as a testament to their unwavering resolve to stand against terrorism and preserve their country’s peace, stability, and reputation.